Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making by Michael W. Kattan (2nd Volume -1st Edition)

 Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making

by  Michael W. Kattan

(2nd Volume -1st Edition)


The Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making gives a gentle introduction to both categories, revealing how medical and healthcare decisions are actually made―and constrained―and how physician, healthcare management, and patient decision making can be improved to optimize health outcomes.

Key Features
  • Discusses very general issues that span many aspects of MDM, including bioethics; health policy and economics; disaster simulation modeling; medical informatics; the psychology of decision making; shared and team medical decision making; social, moral, and religious factors; end-of-life decision making; assessing patient preference and patient adherence; and more
  • Incorporates both quantity and quality of life in optimizing a medical decision
  • Considers characteristics of the decisionmaker and how those characteristics influence their decisions
  • Presents outcome measures to judge the quality or impact of a medical decision
  • Examines some of the more commonly encountered biostatistical methods used in prescriptive decision making
  • Provides utility assessment techniques that facilitate quantitative medical decision making
  • Addresses the many different assumption perspectives the decision maker might choose from when trying to optimize a decision
  • Offers mechanisms for defining MDM algorithms

 Encyclopedia of Medical Decision Making   



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